WBEF Bisnow’s Rise Initiative
Bisnow’s Rise Initiative Discussion
"As a real estate developer, it is our responsibility to create an environment where no one feels excluded, where London isn't off limits to the people that live there" - Farrah LaBorde, Operations Manager

The Bisnow Rise Initiative, launched in the US and now including the UK and Ireland, aims is to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion in commercial real estate by recognising the contributions of companies advancing DEI.

Farrah LaBorde took part in a recent webinar hosted by the World Built Environment Forum discussing the steps Seaforth is taking to help young people from diverse backgrounds start a career in real estate.

Joined by JLL's Jennifer Jones, the discussion focused around 3 key aspects:
Adressing DEI in real estate
Starting points and raising awareness
Placemaking and inclusion

Farrah focused on the intiatives Seaforth are currently have including The Seaforth Scholar Awards, which were set up to help financially support young people wanting to study real estate.
"A major goal is to create a talent pool where we hire from people whom we have seen through the entire process, breaking down barriers and increasing diversity and inclusion within our own workforce”, she says.

Seaforths work with Access Aspiration was also highlighted which works with schools to improve career accessibilithy options among 16-18 year olds from low-income and underrepresented backgrounds. Additionally Farrah's recent work with Henley Business School and University of Reading's Summer School Pogramme was aslo highlighted.

To read the full summary of the discussion and the work done by Bisnow, Seaforth and JLL, click the link below.